Looking for Employment? WE’RE ON THE JOB!
Job Seekers
Don't just look for your next job--launch your career. Consider where you want to be in five, 10 years down the line. Ask yourself, is this the industry, company, and position I can grow and succeed with. Research the company background, leadership, and culture. Ensure that the opportunity aligns to your skills and experience. Highlight the value you can offer, citing specific examples of success. Discuss your personality traits that make you a great candidate. Make sure to ask questions to better qualify, like what pain-points can I help overcome. And don't forget to follow up to say thank you and foster the relationship.
In fact, the average hiring manager and recruiter only spends six seconds viewing your resume, studies report. Other times, you are selling yourself to a machine or algorithm with resume-scanning software--also known as applicant tracking systems (ATS)--that uses keywords to determine whether your resume even gets seen. So your first impression must quickly catch the attention--or it will be the last impression.
Solutions in several types of employment relationships:
Contact us today to help advance your career to the next level!
Submit your inquiry to contact@DRVstaffing.com - Once submitted, we will contact you to advance with the process.
Solutions to upgrade your resume, online profile, job search, & career planning:
Get hired quicker
Receive more interview requests
Become more attractive over competitors
Get better job offers